Hydrophilic Cotton

Hydrophilic Cotton made of 100% cotton fibers, pure white, with high quality, capable of uptake of water and most liquid.
1. Cotton hydrophilic should have no fibers except cotton fibers, it should be odorless and without brushwood, spots and any foreign object.
2. 2. hydrophilic layers of cotton should have a uniform width and thickness and be relatively resistant against tension.
3. Hydrophilic Cotton should be able at least 23 times more than their weight to absorb water.
4. cotton hydrophilic water adsorption time should be a maximum of 10 seconds.
5. Hydrophilic cotton should have no oxidizing materials, restoring substances, amendment color and surface active substances.

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Contact Us

  • factory address: Oshtorjan Industrial Park,streets XV, No. 200
  • Phone : 0098-3137608101-3
  • Fax : 0098-2155435596-9
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